Legal assistance on the ratification, transposition and effective implementation of IMO conventions

  • Date(s)
    6 Apr - 13 Oct 2023
  • Location


Countries invitedBenin, Guinea, Mauritania, Togo
ActivitySub-regional workshop
TopicLegal and institutional aspects
HostMinistry of Maritime Economy, Fisheries and Coastal Protection


The GI WACAF has launched its IMO legal assistance activity with an introductory webinar (6 April 2023), attended by the countries’ GI WACAF focal points and national legal experts. This legal assistance will be followed by an in-country subregional workshop later in the year.

This introductory webinar was facilitated by the GI WACAF Team and presented by Yann Rambuteau, Manager and Legal officer at Allegans, and Aicha Cherif, Legal officer at the IMO. The goal of this webinar was to present the IMO, the main IMO conventions and the general principles of implementing conventions in national legislations.

The report will be available soon.