GI WACAF second webinar season in a nutshell

October 18th 2021

This second GI WACAF webinar series aimed at presenting the more specific topics of oil spill preparedness and response, from waste management to the use of dispersants in a marine environment as well as the international liability and compensation regime.

14/04/2021 - Webinar #1: The National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP) and its annexes

This first episode is dedicated to the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP) and its annexes. For this webinar, leading international experts from ITOPF and OTRA present both the development process and the content of a NOSCP.

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26/05/2021 - Webinar #2: Waste management in case of an oil spill

This second episode is dedicated to waste management. For this webinar, leading international experts from DEMERI and TRIOX Environmental Emergencies present the different types of waste, the whole cycle (including the different phases) of waste management and the importance of planning and inclusion of a dedicated policy in the NOSCP.

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21/06/2021 - Webinar #3: The use of dispersants in case of an oil spill in the marine environment

This third episode is dedicated to the use of dispersants in case of an oil spill in the marine environment. For this webinar, leading international experts from OSRL, OSEC Shell and the Department of Environmental Affairs of South Africa share their experience through case studies, and present the conditions of use of dispersants, their role in the event of an oil spill, as well as the importance of including a dedicated policy in the NOSCP.

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13/07/2021 - Webinar #4: Wildlife response in case of an oil spill

This fourth episode is dedicated to wildlife response in case of an oil spill. For this webinar, leading international experts from Sea Alarm and SANCCOB share their experience through case studies, and present the oiled wildlife response objectives and management, as well as the importance of including a dedicated policy in the NOSCP.

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29/09/2021 - Webinar #5: The international liability and compensation regime

This fifth episode is dedicated to the international liability and compensation regime. For this webinar, leading international experts from IMO, IOPC Funds and IG P&I Clubs introduce the CLC, Funds, Bunkers and LLMC Conventions.

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13/10/2021 - Webinar #6: How to claim for compensation in case of an oil spill?

This sixth episode is dedicated to the compensation claim process in case of an oil spill. For this webinar, leading international experts from IOPC Funds and ITOPF introduce the admissibility criteria and present the economic losses, clean-up and environmental damages.

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